
Welcome to the magical world of Super Ego, where simple lines become whole worlds one can explore, and systems are mere grains of sand in the palm of our hand. Hey that rhymed. Umm, it's weird talking about myself in 3rd person, so hey, hi, here I am. My name is Super Ego and I'm a rapper and producer. Rare breed, I know. I'm currently based in Milwaukee and I have a band, with whom I perform with sometimes. I also perform solo with my trusty mpc, a behemoth of a beat machine. Common themes I talk about in my music: mental health, the contrast, the irony and hilarity of life itself, poverty, struggle, pain, love, and everything in between. I also rap about my cats and snacks. Welp, I'll leave you to it.. have a fun journey and I'll catch you on the flipside! (what movie's that from?)

Upcoming Shows

Riverwest Radio presents its Summer Alleyway Series, where each week, a producer from Riverwest Radio showcases a multitude of local musicians, artists and comedians. For July 27th, Super Ego will be performing at 6pm with his MPC Live 2, where he will be playing beats and rhyming, and overall expressing his unique trains of thought through music.